About Democracy for NYC

Democracy for NYC (DFNYC) is committed to the ideals espoused by Democracy for America, the organization founded by Howard Dean, and the national network of local coalition groups dedicated to the same.

EndorsedLogo PlasticWe work both locally and nationally to ensure that fiscally responsible and socially progressive candidates are elected at all levels of government. We develop innovative ways to advocate for the issues that matter to our members and support legislation which has a positive effect in our communities.  We promote transparency and ethical practices in government.  We engage people in the political process and give them the tools to organize, communicate, mobilize, and enact change on the local, state, and national level.

You can download our bylaws here.

About Democracy for New York City


DFNYC Statement on Trump Border Policies


February 5, 2017

President Donald Trump's announced policy to prevent citizens of seven predominantly Muslim countries from entering the United States is bigoted, cowardly and short sighted. This ban is against everything for which the United States, the land of liberty, was founded. The lives of people who are friends of ours and valuable contributors to our communities are being needlessly threatened and disrupted. When Trump says that our borders are overrun, and that refugees are not subject to the closest scrutiny when they try to enter the country, he is lying. He wants to push Islamophobia and xenophobia as a way to instill fear and gain support for his isolationist, America first, policies.

Democracy for New York City (DFNYC) pledges to join with our allies in the progressive community here in NYC to fight these misguided policies now coming out of the White House. We will use our social media and every resource we have to protect the freedoms that our forefathers fought for and to keep our borders open. Lady Liberty does not just belong to us, she belongs to everyone around the world, and we will not let the light in her torch go out. Ever.

Roberta Cohen
Tracey Keij Denton
Mark Dieffenbacher
Rhonda Patillo
Max Smith
Richard Wallner

The Board of Directors DFNYC

Contact Information

Email: info -at- dfnyc.org


A local coalition group of Democracy for America since 2004

Democracy for NYC (DFNYC) is committed to the ideals espoused by Democracy for America, the organization founded by Howard Dean, and the national network of local coalition groups dedicated to the same.